Phonepe Money Transaction Pending Failed Problem solution We All Have PhonePe App . With PhonePe Apps, You Can Transfer Balance (Money) From One Bank Account To Another Bank Account . You Can Send Money From Your Bank To Another Bank Account.
This Transaction is absolutely free. There is no Transaction Charge from Phonepe. But the server becomes down to use more customers. Many times money gets stuck due to technical issue problem. That means our money gets stuck.
When transferring money to a friend or person (s). Then Transaction Pending comes written. And money is also deducted from your bank. Sometimes Debited Money is not even refunded. Sometimes Transaction becomes Failed. And Amount also gets deducted.
That is, money is deducted from your bank account as well. And there is no money in Friend's Bank Account. There are many such PhonePe Money Transfer Problems. Problem solutions of all these are going to be told . So that India can be made as Digital India.

PhonePe Money Transaction Pending / Failed Solution

With the help of this PhonePe App , we use Recharge, Bill Payment, Bank to Bank Money Transfer, Ticket Book. When sending recharge or balance, it gets Failed many times.

PhonePe Amout Not Credited to the receiver Deducted Money Hindi
Most problems are caused by technical issue. But Phonepe Company has started to solve this in a pinch. You can do it only with the help of Phonepe App to get the money stuck back.
Previously had to talk to PhonePe Customer Care on the call. Now you can send a report in PhonePe App itself.
Problems on phones can be of many types. Which is given below.

All PhonePe's Transaction Failed / Pending Issue

  1. Money Deducted but not credited in receiver account
  2. Money not credited in the account.
  3. Your Bank is facing technical issues for which, this payment failed. In case any amount has been deducted from your account, don't worry, it is safe with your bank and will be credited back to your account within 3 working days.
  4. The Transaction Failed / Pending.
  5. and Other any type issue

Amount Not Credited To Receiver (What to do if the receiver does not have the money)

If PhonePe transfers money from your Phonepe. And the money gets stuck in the middle. And money has been deducted from our bank account. Neither Friend or Receiver has not received money. What to do in this situation? You do not need to take a tension. Just follow the step given below-
First open the PhonePe App.

PhonePe History Pending Failed in Hindi
The option of History will appear below. Click on it.
Which Transaction Failed. Or money that has been deducted. Select that contact. See the screenshot below -

Phonepe Money Transfer Problem in Hindi
Then below you will get Contact PhonePe Support . Click on it.

PhonePe Transaction Failed Pending Problem Hindi Contact PhonePe Support
Then there will be 4-5 options. Which will be as follows-
  1. Amount Not Credited to the receiver.
  2. Account Balance not updated.
  3. Money not credited in the account.
  4. Entered wrong details while sending money.
  5. Cashback related.

If the friend did not have the money. Then you have to click on the option with Amount Not Credited to the receiver. The screenshot shown below will appear. Who will check your report.

Your sent money will go to Friend's Account. Those who stuck your money.
In this way, Amount Credit will be in Receiver's account. Apart from this, there are other problems. Those who can report by going to Contact PhonePe Support 

PhonePe Money Not Credited in the Account (Transaction Problem Solve)

Sometimes Transaction from PhonePe shows successful. But it does not come in the account of the Receiver (taker). What to do in such a situation? You do not have to be afraid. Your money is absolutely safe. Report is to be sent in the same way. The person to whom the money was sent. Have to click that. And go to "Contact Phonepe Support".

Phonepe Money Transfer Pending Failed Problem Solution
And click on the option " Money Not Credited in the account ". Your report will go away. In this way, your money will come within the maximum 2-3 days. Or the taker will get credit in the account. (Will be credited).

Other PhonePe Money Transaction Problem Solve

All these PhonePe UPI Transaction problems are other than that. Which many people are facing problems. Any problem can be done by going in the same report.
If still you cannot report. So you can talk directly to PhonePe Customer Care. Which are absolutely toll free.

PhonePe Transfer Failed in Hindi
PhonePe Customer Care Number Call- 0124 678 9345
In this way, you have understood the post of PhonePe Money Transaction Problem Solution . And I hope you have come to report with PhonePe . And there must be money in the bank account.

  1. If there has been any kind of problem in transferring from PhonePe. Share on social media like facebook, whatsapp. Thank you.